Saturday, March 12, 2011


i'm so glad this weather is FINALLY here! i'm such a warm weather kind of girl. here are some of my favorite things i love for this weather:

long sleeve shirts and shorts. i especially love wearing yellow shorts in the spring and summer. 

solid color rompers and sandals are also great. 

i especially love these sandals.

i know that ray bans are overdone, but i love my tortoise shell wayfarers. 

OPI dutch tulips is a favorite of mine...
...mainly because of these:

i love to see tulips blooming everywhere during the spring.

a tire swing by the lake is definitely one of my favorite things for the warm weather...even though it's not quite warm enough yet. 


the decemberists came out with a new album called "the king is dead" that i've been listening to a lot. it has been great for long sunny drives in the car. 

i hope everyone is having a good spring break! it's the last one i'll ever have before i'm in the working world so i'm definitely going to enjoy mine! 



Friday, February 4, 2011


Are there something about banana peels that I don't know about? I've heard so many songs lately with a banana peel reference. Someone please tell me. 

Saturday, January 8, 2011


i love this album. it came out in may, and i'm still not tired of it. get it if you don't have it. you won't be disappointed. 

Everlasting Light: 
